Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Weekly round-up!

Last week with music class was crazy! Every day we were fortunate to spend time with our friend Jackson. On Wednesday, before music class, we picked blueberries. Local readers: If you get a chance, check out Bush Neck Farms in Williamsburg. It is a beautiful farm and the price is right. Just bring cash (Katie, I owe you $1.75)

Anyways, this is the first year that Audrey actually picked blueberries. She did a wonderful job! Jackson....not so much. At first, he tried to run away and then just ate the blueberries in his bucket! I just know that our excursion next year will DEFINITELY yield better results and he will be a blueberry PRO!
Katie, Audrey and Jackson
Buckets are attached...we are ready to pick!
I love how serious she was about her task!
"The car is THIS way mom!"
My handsome fella enjoyed the blueberries as well!
I have truly loved the summer with these two!

So this happened. At music class, Audrey apparently fell and got a rug burn on her forehead. I happened to peek in on her after the incident and saw her on the teacher's lap. My first thought is, "oh, man. Audrey was being too friendly and is nicely being put in time out." Totally teacher-mom moment of "what did my kid do?!" Well, I felt like a real heel when I found out she had been injured. Mother. Of. The. Year.

While we played this afternoon, Audrey pulled Brown Bear, Brown Bear off the shelf and began to read. It made my teacher heart pitter-patter! She would turn the page and say, "blue horse! blue horse! I see a green frog!" Like I said before, genius!

Speaking of amazing, Mr. Micah loves to drink out of cups! Look at those killer baby blues!

Audrey enjoyed Colonial Williamsburg with my parents, who came into to town to watch the kids while Matt and I attended a wedding. They took the kids to Busch Gardens while Matt and I were supposed to get ready for the wedding. Here is an example of waaay different priorities! We have 4 hours to ourselves; Matt chooses to nap like a boss and I go for a mani/pedi! We clearly decompress in very different ways :)

My dad bought Audrey a power wheel at a yard sale this week. She was so surprised and the smile on her face was priceless! I couldn't catch it in time, which was a total bummer. She loved to roll around the cul de sac and even shared with our neighbor's daughter. I love how well she shares!

On Sunday, my parents, the kids, Matt and I went to brunch and a farmer's market. Audrey wanted to buy a flower. She immediately goes up to my dad, opens his pocket, looks in and says, "I need some money, Poppy." The girl knows how to wrap a man around her finger!

And last but not least! Pinterest!! We made a jump pad and Audrey can call out different shapes and colors and then jumps on that shape. She loved it and Micah drooled on it (as you can see on the green circle :) ).

All in all, a fun week! I really do NOT want to go back to work! It has been so nice to be able to enjoy my kids!

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