Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Crashin' the Poo' Party

My dear friend Debbie invited us to come swim in her pool, along with Katie and Jackson. Little did Debbie and her kind, patient, long-suffering daughter Jamie realize that Audrey has a "poo'" addiction. She went to get into the car, holding her floatie chanting, "Poo! Poo! Let's go to the poo!" She looked like a viking on her  way to pillage a local village. We arrive at Debbie's lovely home (PS- Deb...I love your home. Seriously. I will take it off your hands ANY time :)) and all Audrey does is stare at the pool. She yells about how its time to go in. She reminds us every few seconds that the pool still exists. She waves her floatie in a threatening manner to try and bully her way into the cool, blue water. Well, we had an absolute blast! Micah enjoyed the water, he enjoyed Debbie, he enjoyed his godmother....he enjoyed everything (no surprises there!). Audrey bossed Jamie around the pool, which I hope Jamie enjoyed :) It was a wonderful way to spend time with friends and a local mini-viking.

We also had a surprise visit from our neighbor whose mommy had to run an errand. We played with the busy bags and watched Mickey and played with the dollhouse. I was quickly running out of ideas and then remembered the shaving cream party from Saturday. Well...I once again did not think this through. Now I was outnumbered by a 2 year old AND a 3 year old (which essentially makes the ratio 2,345 to 1). What started out as innocent fun turned into...


At one point I gave up the clothes and just let them go in diaper/underwear. Nothing says class like hosing down two little girls in the front yard. I hope our little friend will come back and play soon because as you can see, we had a BLAST!

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