Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!


Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's fall!!

Matt and I got back this morning from an awesome trip to Boston to see two cool kids get hitched :) we were whirlwind tourists, trying to see as many sights and as many friends as possible! Whew. Needless to say, that 415 wake up call this morning was rough. It was awesome spending time with the Sexxy hubs but it was good to get back to our kids, who my parents were generously watching :) 

Before Sunday football started, we took the kids to a local patch and hit up an Oktoberfest. Loving fall!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day of atonement

Last Friday was Yom Kippur, which is the Jewish High Holy Day where Jews fast, pray, reflect and atone. It's a much more somber affair than most Jewish events. I mean, we even fast....what Yiddish mama would let someone go without at least a kinish? It is that serious :) anyways, Audrey chose the outfit above to wear to the Friday night service. Sigh. She even accessorized it and did a sorority pose. Needless to say, she was the belle of the ball!

Before we went to services, Matt and I explained that Yom Kippur is a good time to ask for forgiveness from those you may have wronged during the year. She took this very seriously and apologized. And apologized. And apologized. Who knew a toddler could feel such guilt?! At one point, she was sitting on the toilet at the synagogue and she began to apologize again. I explained to her that as Messianic Jews we have Yeshua who took our sins on His shoulders. She seemed intrigued so I continued and said, "you know you can ask Yeshua to come live in your heart. Do you want to do that?" She said yes. Sooo on the potty, she asked Yeshua to live in her heart :)

I wa feeling pretty good and touched by her simplicity and innocence. Then, as we walked out, Audrey asked Matt why Yeshua lives in her heart and not her stomach. She continued by stating that there is more room in her tummy. Matt said that its too loud in her tummy with all that grumbling and Yeshua prefers living in your heart! So cute. 

So the next day, we went for a mile loop at Newport News park. Perfect weather!
These two pictures are my new favorites of Bean. 

Just a random share....found this in my phone after getting my hair done. Love my boys :)

To all my Jewish and non-jewish friends, may your new year be sweet and full of blessings :)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Proud moments in mamahood!

This week has been monumental for both offspring!!!
Audrey pooped in the potty! For those of you who know, this is staggering! She also wore big girl underwear to bed for the first time and woke up dry! Win for the team big girl! As a reward, she got a donut for breakfast (hey, I am not against bribery!) She also attempted the sorority pose. 

Bean had his 9 month appointment (yea yea a little late). He continues to be a chart topper!
98% for height, he is topping off at 2 feet, 7 inches
83% for weight
89% for head circumference 
He also is pulling up and eating everything in sight :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back in black!

Audrey and her little girlfriend Aubrey (no that is not a typo :))started back at Dance Works tonight. Audrey was so excited to put on her new tights and I had to hold back the gales of laughter as I pulled her tights up to just under her armpits (seriously, it looked like the old man from Up!). But her excitement at seeing her best buddy Aubrey was leaps and bounds above anything else. The child literally went airborne over other kids to get to Aubrey! I couldn't even get the child to stay still to take a picture!
The studio installed a monitor so that parents can watch the students so many of the pictures of the girls are pictures of the monitor. However, I did manage to sneak in and their instructor was not pleased! It was fun to watch and of course we ended our night with ice cream :)
Aubrey top left and Audrey is right next to her
Love these cuties!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The goodbye to summer blues

Today was my first day back to work and as much as I love what I do, I gotta admit it was a real bummer. I loved spending time with the kids and Matt. To honor our last day of summer, Audrey played in the sprinkler and Micah and I snoozed. We also took a family walk at city center after the delightfully decadent Maggie Moos. Micah definitely takes after his sister in the ice cream adoration department. 
Audrey insisted on walking Bean herself.

As the Jewish New Year comes upon us, I wish you all a fruitful new year :) L'shana Tova!