Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Library Monday

Monday has become Library Monday. The Newport News Public Library System has a summer book program that we are taking full advantage of. For every five books Audrey reads, she gets a prize. So we proudly brought our sheet it and Audrey received a rubber ducky and a McDonalds coupon (ch-CHING!). She was so excited to be rewarded for reading that she asked if she could get more books. The teacher in me nearly fainted dead away at her enthusiasm. I told her she could get seven....we checked out nine books...It is just so hard to choose!!!

After we came home, I was feeding Micah and Audrey got into her stickers. Here is her "art"....I guess I should just be glad that it is not crayon and that the stickers easily come off!

Micah is very into "shiny objects" right now. He is like a bird! He saw that Matt's controller lights up and he just had to see for himself. With everything else, he promptly put it in his mouth.

Tonight at dinner, Audrey declared, "I am going to feed and take care of Micah!" I thought it was precious but I could only think of Elmira from Tiny Toons..."I am going to love him and squeeze him and care for him." Micah is a pretty lucky kid :)

Before I sign off on this post I want to say WELCOME to my two new followers! Woo hoo! Anytime you want to join our shenanigans, do not hesitate to join in :)

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