Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Busch gardens the sequel!

While we had Gigi and Aunt B visiting, we tried Busch Gardens for a second time. 
Audrey rode the Grover roller coaster. If you ask her about it, she will say that daddy's pants hurt her eye. Translation: when they took the turn, she wasn't ready and fell into Matt's lap and caught his button with her cheek. Still painful but it sounds less creepy when it is explained. The picture from the coaster was hilarious. She had this indiscribable look on her face. I couldn't stop laughing. I know, mother of the year. 

Micah was less than excited that he was too small to ride the coaster. 

His first ride! Audrey insisted on the pink pony. Is anyone surprised?!

This is dragon land. Audrey bullied Matt into carrying her across the net on his back. Can we say wrapped around her finger?!

Love that sweet face!

Audrey and Micah loved the show in Ireland! Audrey even got up and danced. 

What a fun night!! The best part was watching Matt and Audrey enjoy the fireworks. This was the first time he has been able to take in a show with either kid!

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